Kings Cross Walk Reviews

What a fantastic experience! Our guide was so knowledgeable and opened our eyes to things we'd walked past many times. You don't have to be a tourist to benefit from one of these walks! A Boucher Pye 

A fascinating and informative insight into the history and changes behind this recently renewed part of London, which dovetailed very nicely into the other walks Hazel does around Islington. The walk was well paced, the guide always audible - even above the Euston Road traffic! and also open to questions and chats. A very nice afternoon out. B Dziekonska 

Excellent walk around kings x and Euston. Very informative guide. One and a half hours really well spent. Will definitely try and go on more. J Worth

Really enjoyed the walk. The guide was very knowledgeable and was audible throughout the walk as he was miked. He waited for everyone to catch up and held my interest through out. I found the information fascinating and would definitely go on more of his events. A. McCauley

Ian was informative, knowledgeable, succinct and gave a very interesting tour. He got everything just about right - no information overload and timed to perfection and took us to hidden nooks and squares we did not know existed as well as the historical background. Excellent. S Hewins

Ian, our guide, was very informative. I thought I knew the area quite well but there are hidden areas that are just delightful. He covered the history of the area. Its amazing how you can walk around an area on your own and actually miss these 'gems'. Well worth doing. Not a strenuous walk at all. Would recommend. R Preston

Really interesting walk with an extremely knowledgeable guide. Shall definitely check out their other walks. T Broch

This is an interesting, informative walk around the Euston/Kings Cross area. I learned a lot even though I had worked in the area for 30 years. 7 or 8 main information stops, quite a short walk, took just over 90 mins. The leader Ian knows his stuff, easy to hear him despite the Central London ‘noise!’ Would recommend if you want to know more about this area/London, both past and present. A Sullivan

I have walked around this area for years thought I knew it pretty well. However I discovered a row of stunning C19 shops and a wonderful C19 terrace I had never come across before. When visiting old friends like the British Library and the mainline stations I discovered lots of new facts and saw them in a new light. The guides historical knowledge was superb, his approach was friendly and informative. S Molyneaux

Thoroughly interesting and enjoyable walk with Ian. He is exceptionally knowledgeable and I learnt a great deal about what may be described as a lesser known part of London. Would thoroughly recommend this walk and look forward to going on other walks in the future. I Armstrong

Despite the rain this was another interesting walk including some areas i didn’t know about. If it had been better weather I would like to have had a slightly longer walk and finished a bit further on at Kings Cross by the canal where there is new development and learnt about the history. G Smith

Very much enjoyed this very informative tour. I highly recommend. V Jouhaud

Very informative - recommended. J Brehony

We tend to think of Euston and Kings Cross as perhaps places we pass through to use the rail station, on occasion we have seen a show at the Shaw Theatre or an exhibit at the British Library. This walk/talk brought the area to life and told us about its fascinating history as a residential district and how modernisation has created attractive restaurants and places to visit. One of the good features of the walk is that we were given tips about excursions we could organise ourselves in the future, maybe a visit to a large and historic church crypt followed by a meal at a converted German gymnasium connected to the present day Olympics. Our guide managed admirably with a few enthusiastic football fans we met on our way and a sprinkling of rain too. Definitely recommended. S Greaves

Kings Cross, a guided walk in London England
Kings Cross and Euston guided walk in London England
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