Fantastic - I'm currently studying corporate finance as a part of my MBA and Ian really helped bring to life some of the people and concepts encountered. Really engaging and good fun. S. Mason
This was a fascinating walk, I came away with a much clearer idea of the history of the City and how it works. C. Lewis
This would be a fabulous walking tour for someone who wonders what they do in the City of London and how it got started. Various financial instruments and institutions were carefully explained for the layperson. The evolution of the buildings in which transactions were made was also covered. I certainly had no idea how important coffee houses were as meeting places and markets as early as the 17th century! The guide helpfully shared his reading list for those interested in delving further into specific topics. Architecture and place were covered, but not really the focus of this tour. M Kacandes-Kamil
I think this is a new walk. As usual, it was informative, entertaining and well worth attending. Ian, the guide, is extremely knowledgeable about financial matters and was able to explain complex issues in a plain, straightforward way to a financial ignoramus like me. It also had a lot of human interest and social history aspects underlying the subject. Highly recommended. J McGirr