City of London Dragon Walk

City of London Dragon Walk

The City of London is surrounded by dragons. On this walk we explore the city of London in search of these proud and yet elusive beasts.

Although dragons occur in many legends around the world, different cultures have varying stories about monsters that have been grouped together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous, such as in the Old English poem Beowulf.

Although dragons occur in many legends around the world, different cultures have varying stories about monsters that have been grouped together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous, such as in the Old English poem Beowulf. Which dragons will we find?

Topics include: the Romans, Great Fire of London, Dick Whittington, T.S. Eliot, Harry Potter, Tower of London and England's patron Saint George.

We start at London Bridge and walk part of the boundary of the square mile before heading deeper into the City of London. 

Start: London Bridge  |  Finish: Tower of London  |  Duration: 90 mins

Step-free access. Suitable for all age groups. Please note all children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Fantastic Beasts - Where to Find them in London

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them in London tour

This walking tour takes in the historic City of London, from the splendour of St Paul's Cathedral to the domineering Tower of London.

Can you tell the difference between Britain's native Hebridean and Common Welsh Green Dragon? More importantly where in London can you find one? Griffins are fierce and employed by wizards to guard treasure. The two we encounter have become a status symbol for an aristocratic family but why?

Unicorns have no reason to hide in the city streets and prance proudly in the face of hungry lions.Where in London can you find a magnificent mythical, swan-sized bird with its wings outstretched. Why is he needed here?

What spell is required to protect winged horses or hippogriffs from Muggles? Could you handle a fire crab as a pet?

Start: St Paul's Station  |  Finish: Tower of London |  Duration: 90 mins

Step-free access. Suitable for all age groups. Please note all children must be accompanied by an adult. 

There Be Dragons!

Had a fantastic Dragon walk in honour of St George's Day. Very fun and informative. I'm still just getting to know the city and I now know some really interesting anecdotes and history, from The Great Fire to Old Tom. Knowledgeable and friendly guide. Would definitely recommend it and will be joining in on a treasure hunt in the near future.

St George's day Dragon Walk

Had a fantastically informative and fun walk guided by Hazel. Plenty of time to ask questions and the pace was manageable for all and didn't feel rushed. Our second walk with Hazel and plan to do more soon.

Fun and educational London Dragon walk

Hazel is an excellent guide. Lots of interesting and fun facts about the City of London and its dragons. She is very enthusiastic and happy to answer questions. I really enjoyed all the literary links too.

City Dragons

Excellent walk. Lovely day the sun was shining. the 90 minutes flew past 
Very knowledgeable guide
A definite to tell friends 
Definitely would go on another walk.

Fun Dragon Walk on 31st October (afternoon)

Our small party of three adults joined this friendly guided tour. Hazel was well researched about the fascinating history of dragons in the City of London and further afield. The group wasn't too big like other guided tours, which meant we could all hear our guide and keep together as we walked about. We liked how Hazel created a relaxed and sociable environment, whilst educating us about the history of dragons and pointing out new places we could visit another time. There is an option to go to the pub afterwards, which is a nice idea if a person has come on their own.





Site by Hazel  |  Photographs by Hazel or Ian