10k Giveaway!

We can hardly believe it, we have reached 10,000 downloads for our London History podcast.

To celebrate we are doing a giveaway! Write a review on our podcast and email us a screen shot before the end of November 2020.

The prize? A pair of tickets for a guided walk with us!

I will be randomly selecting some winners on the 1st Dec. Thanks again!

How to enter:

  1. Write a review on our podcast: Google Podcast Review / Apple Podcast Review
  2. Take a screen grab
  3. Email us at podcast@londonguidedwalks.co.uk

Let us know if there's a particular person, event or place you want to know more about in our podcast. Send us your suggestion / request.

If you would like to be a guest on our podcast please let us know here.

Subscribe for future episodes: Apple Podcasts | Spotify |Android | Email | RSS

Subscribe for future episodes: Apple Podcasts | Spotify |Android | Email | RSS


Copyright London Guided Walks and Treasure Hunts