Weekend of Friday 6 November
November 6, 2020
Flash Briefing
What: An evening with Caitlin Moran
Award-winning writer Caitlin Moran discusses her latest book, More Than A Woman, with Sali Hughes.
In 2011, How to Be a Woman, Moran’s fresh take on modern feminism was met with critical acclaim and was hugely popular with readers for its frankness and curiosity - and because it was very funny. Described as part memoir, part rant, it tackled the big subjects of modern womanhood - motherhood, work and marriage - as well as musing on subjects like tiny pants, Botox and expensive handbags.
Her latest book ‘More than a Woman’ looks at womanhood from the vantage point of middle age, questioning, for example, why there isn't such a thing as a 'Mum Bod' and how sex got 'so boring'. It is as much a guide to growing older as it is a rallying call to celebrate the middle-aged women who keep the world turning.
Moran will be talking to Guardian writer and columnist Sali Hughes, and also answering your questions at this live streamed event.
Running time: 60 minutes
Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-with-caitlin-moran-tickets-121401875277?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse
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Posted by Hazel Baker. Posted In : November